Looking for Educational Printables made by Black parents for Black children?
Our Guides are intentionally and distinctly made!​
![]() Learning GuidesFun printables with activities, crafts and fun games! | ![]() Gimme GuidesOur FREE printables include - coloring pages, awards, short lessons and craft activities. |

Many of the images in our guides we've created! We include imagery in our guides that look like your child - different hues and shades of Melanin.

We group guides by Adinkra from Ghana symbolizing concepts, sayings, or principles. We believe it is helpful to learn from stories and cultural references.

Our guides are made to Uplift and Empower our children to greatness.

All guides begin with a positive affirmation tailored to the guide. Children will learn how they will grow from completing the activities with new abilities.

Self Reflection!
Our guides include a Reflection Portfolio Activity to reflect on the activities of the guide as a part of their learning journey.

Fun & Variety!
We create an assortment of different activities in each guide cultivating growth through fun. Games, booklets, Brag Boxes, Cut & Paste activities, etc. to make learning interactive.